
723NNG-006 The 6th installment of a school series that follows a cute girl who loves to be licked and her lessons. This time, Ren-chan, the attendance number 064, who transferred from an ordinary school. She calls herself a yin-kyah, a girl who has only

Des:Class diary Ren-chan, who was a secret girl who had been having erotic fantasies in the corner of the class for a long time since her homeroom teacher, started from a fantasy that she wanted to be fucked by the seniors at the gym warehouse, so she performed a fellatio full of techniques with all her heart. It was exciting to watch the true lewdness of her, as she served her partner with her white slender body while exposing the whites of her eyes and cumming intensely. I hope that she will continue to have the purity to say from the bottom of her heart that she loves naughty things.


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723NNG-006 1.95GB - 2023-12-04
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